Host Tools Feature – Enabled, Disabled & Hidden Listings Explained

As a short-term rental host, you know how important it is to make sure your calendar is always up to date. This means that your blocked dates stay blocked, and your prices are always where you want them to be.  Host Tools has just introduced a new feature that will make this easier than ever.

Enabling and disabling your listings can be used to quickly turn Host Tools on and off from specific listings when you don’t want us to be automating. This is especially helpful when you first add a new listing to Host Tools and you do not want us to make changes on that listing until everything is et up perfectly. You can still hide any listings you do not want to use Host tools with so that you do not see them in your multi-calendar, or as options to add message and pricing rules to. Let’s dive into what each of these terms means and how to set them up on your account:

Host Tools provides an automated, unified calendar for short-term rental hosts, allowing you to seamlessly list on all major channels. Start your free trial today!


When the checkbox next to “enable listing” is unchecked, the listing is disabled. When a listing is disabled you can  modify its settings, create pricing and messaging rules, block dates and do everything else you would like to do to set it up—without having anyone see any of your changes until you enable it. You will not be charged for a disabled listing. All listings are imported as “disabled” by default.


Once your listing is configured the way you want it, you can check the box next to “enable listing” to enable it. This will allow Host Tools to start automating everything on your listing. Once a listing is enabled, changes you make on Host Tools will be pushed to your connected channels. If you block dates on your Host Tools calendar, those dates will be blocked immediately on all connected channels.


Hiding a listing is different than disabling it. If you check the box next to “Hide Listing,” the listing will be hidden in Host Tools. This means it will not show up on your multi-calendar or menus. Additionally, you won’t see it when adding pricing or message rules.

This is a good option for listings you do not wish to use Host Tools with and would like to have them remain in your account, out of sight. These listings will still appear on your settings page. You can still enable them if you wish to use Host Tools with them in the future.

Final Thoughts

Now that you know what enabling, disabling, and hiding a listing means, you can take control of your listings. You’ll now be able to manage them even more easily within Host Tools. If you have any questions about this feature, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team. They will be more than happy to assist you.

Host Tools provides an automated, unified calendar for short-term rental hosts, allowing you to seamlessly list on all major channels. Start your free trial today!

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