Airbnb Deactivated My Account – Now What?

Airbnb deactivated my account

“Airbnb deactivated my account! What should I do?!” First, don’t panic– we’re here to help! In this blog post, we’ll go over the steps you need to take to reactivate your account. Plus, we’ll provide helpful tips for avoiding deactivation in the future.

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Airbnb Deactivated My Account – But Why?

Low-quality listing

At the end of the day, Airbnb is a business, and Airbnb expects you to maintain a certain standard of quality with your listing. If Airbnb feels that you’re not meeting the expectations of its users, then they may deactivate your account.

To improve the quality of your listing, consider the following:

  • Pay special attention to your guest reviews. Are you noticing any themes of complaints? If so, how can you fix them?

  • Listen to a short-term rental podcast or attend a conference to get insight from Airbnb Superhosts.

  • Give your listing a facelift. Hire a professional photographer to get you high-quality photos, optimize your SEO, and update your listing description.

  • Hire a professional cleaning crew to keep your property spit and span.

Airbnb deactivated my account

Fraudulent behavior

The rules and regulations of hosting on Airbnb can sometimes be a bit tricky. First, you need to be certain that you are adhering to Airbnb’s policies to remain active. Unfortunately, Airbnb will deactivate your account if they feel you are engaging in fraudulent behavior.

Examples of fraudulent behavior include:

  • Misrepresenting your property: This can be as simple as failing to disclose vital information about your rental, like the actual number of people it can accommodate or the property’s location.

  • Not adhering to local laws: Every state and town has its own short-term rental laws. It is your responsibility as a host to ensure you are adhering to these laws. Airbnb will deactivate your account if they find out that you are not complying with local regulations.

Encouraging guests to book off of Airbnb. While it is perfectly acceptable to list your home on other channels or on your own direct booking site, once a guest inquires about a stay via the Airbnb platform, you cannot encourage them to book off of Airbnb.

You’ve been an unresponsive host

Any good Superhost knows that you have to be available. Airbnb will deactivate your account if they think you are unresponsive to your guests’ requests.

Improve your response time by:

Airbnb deactivated my account

What Happened When Airbnb Deactivated my Account?

Having your account suspended, even just for a few days, can wreak havoc on your business plan. The largest consequences of account deactivation are:

  • Loss of income. Time is money, and time is passing with no guests on your property

  • Bad reviews: If your account was deactivated, it is likely because you have more than a few bad reviews. Guest reviews are the lifeblood of the industry, and it can be tough to bounce back from multiple bad reviews.

  • Difficulty getting back on your feet: It is no easy task to come back from an account deactivation. Airbnb will likely require evidence that you have fixed the issues before they reactivate your account.

How to Reactivate My Airbnb Account

In order to get your Airbnb account reactivated, you will need to follow the following steps:

Step 1: Contact Airbnb Support

Airbnb will provide directions on what needs to be done for your account to be reactivated.

Step 2: Make the necessary changes

Airbnb may require that you make changes to your listing, such as updating photos or descriptions, hiring a professional cleaning crew, etc.

Step 3: Provide evidence of change

Airbnb will likely request proof that you have made the necessary changes. For example, Airbnb Support may require before/after photos of your property or evidence you hired a professional cleaning crew.

Step 4: Submit an appeal

Airbnb will give you a chance to submit an appeal and explain why your account should be reactivated.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, Airbnb can deactivate your account for a variety of reasons. It is essential to be aware of Airbnb’s rules and regulations to remain active. If your account gets deactivated, you must follow Airbnb’s instructions and provide evidence of the necessary changes before submitting an appeal. By following Airbnb’s guidelines, you can get your Airbnb account reactivated and be back up and running in no time.

Host Tools provides an automated, unified calendar for short-term rental hosts, allowing you to seamlessly list on all major channels. Start your free trial today!

Being a host shouldn´t be a full-time job

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